Baking / Breakfast / Kids

Memories of the Breakfast Drive Thru

I love breakfast! It’s always been my hands down favourite meal of the day. Some days I’ve actually had breakfast for all three meals! In fact, my birthday is coming up and I think I’d rather go out for breakfast than dinner. 

My favourite breakfast meal has always been the simple breakfast sandwich. I love a fried egg and bacon sandwich served on an English muffin.  I can’t even imagine how many of these I ate at Tim Hortons in my pre-healthy eating days! Before I started “clean eating”- the breakfast sandwich was my go to quick meal. After I cleaned up my eating my breakfast sandwich had to lose the English muffin and I had to sandwich that egg between 2 slices of good quality toast instead (good but not the same). Why you ask? Well, have you ever looked at the ingredient list on the English muffin package? Not pretty! Check all the words I can’t pronounce:

Yuck! Do I want to know what a “diglycerides” is and what is it doing in my English muffin??? So, I’ve avoided English muffins…. until now. I found this recipe on Pinterest a few months ago and took advantage of my free time on March Break to try it out. It was fairly easy and turned out great! You will need:

  • 4 C whole wheat pastry flour (+ 1 cup on reserve) **I used half white flour and half whole wheat**
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cups milk (any type will work, I used coconut milk), warmed (105-115 degrees F.)
  • 2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast
  • 1/4 cup corn meal
  • You can find the directions at The Gracious Pantry (which by the way is usually the first website I visit when I’m looking for new Clean Eating recipes to try).

    I didn’t have a muffin sized cookie cutter so I used a plastic cup. Next time I would use a glass that’s a bit bigger since my fried egg was quite a bit bigger than the muffin.


    Here is an interesting fact about English muffins– did you know that you don’t bake them??? I had no idea that you cook them by frying them! Learn something new everyday! Ha!


    We made epic Breakfast Sandwiches! Bacon just makes me happy!


    Choose happy 🙂

    10 thoughts on “Memories of the Breakfast Drive Thru

    1. sounds yummy Tracey and fairly easy to do! May I suggest using an empty and cleaned out tuna can as your muffin cutter. Might be the right size :). By the way, I really like your posts always entertaining and mouth watering!


    2. They look totally authentic! Love an English muffin – I am British but live in Sweden, and we just can’t get them here! Will have to try these! Could you clarify about pastry flour – could you just use normal flour? TY!


      • Thanks! They tasted great too! You could totally use normal flour. I made mine with half unbleached white flour and half whole wheat pastry but normal whole wheat would be fine too or just all white flour or all whole wheat. Happy baking!

        Liked by 1 person

        • They were really good! How they came about is a funny story though – my husband is a chef and I said I’d like potato skins (meaning the big thick things you can load) and he came up with these! They are actually much nicer! 🙂


        • I’m so happy you liked the recipe! I hope it’s okay to chime in here. The flour you use will definitely make a difference. A regular whole wheat flour will make the muffins more coarse and “bready”. Thicker in texture. It will also soak up more liquid. A regular white flour will make it “fluffier”, and will soak up a bit less liquid. If you want whole grain, then you might try a white whole wheat flour. It’s easier to find, at least here in the states. I know Trader Joe’s even carries it. If you change flours, just know that you may have to adjust the quantity just slightly. A bit more for white flour, and a bit less for whole wheat flour. Hope that helps!


        • Thanks so much Tiffany! No Trader Joe’s in Canada 😦 but we can find whole wheat pastry flour at Bulk Barn. Thanks for your expertise and your awesome recipes! You’ve made the transition to clean eating easier!


      • I’m so happy you liked the recipe! I hope it’s okay to chime in here. The flour you use will definitely make a difference. A regular whole wheat flour will make the muffins more coarse and “bready”. Thicker in texture. It will also soak up more liquid. A regular white flour will make it “fluffier”, and will soak up a bit less liquid. If you want whole grain, then you might try a white whole wheat flour. It’s easier to find, at least here in the states. I know Trader Joe’s even carries it. If you change flours, just know that you may have to adjust the quantity just slightly. A bit more for white flour, and a bit less for whole wheat flour. Hope that helps!


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